March 02, 2010

Blue chicken blues

By now you must know I enjoy stitching poultry. After I finished this blue chicken I was really at a loss about what to do with it. So I sat on it for a while and finally hatched a plan. I'd make a pillow, applique the chicken on the front, and mail it off to my friend and former workmate--the one who sent me the chicken postcard.
She's always been a fan of my stitched pieces and even has some of my earliest work--lunch-hour creations she managed to rescue in mid-air between my hands and the garbage can.
I'll probably stitch this blue chicken again, along with the yellow and purple ones, and make a three-pillow set to decorate a bed or a chair, or Mr. Gadget's office. They could be the central motif in a room with farm-themed decor. I'm excited just thinking about the possibilities. Pigs, cows, ducks, goats, sheep, and all manner of barnyard bric-a-brac.
In other news.....Mr. G and I will be departing the Calcondo on Sunday, along with our friends from Connecticut who will be arriving in a couple of days, for the local cruise port. At 4:00 p.m. we will set sail for the Panama Canal. A couple of weeks later we'll disembark in Ft. Lauderdale and fly home to Connecticut from there--after the snow is all gone, of course. That's part of the deal. This was all Mr. Gadget's idea. He thought we should take a more leisurely trip home with less flying time. What could I say? He twisted my arm again.
So my plan is to blog along the way. I've figured out--thanks to Blogging for Dummies--that I can post to the blog via email. I will be testing this feature before we go. I'm thinking it can't possibly be as easy as they say. I won't be posting pictures however, as they take a long time to load on the slow-poke ship computers. But I promise some as soon as I'm back on dry land.
So I guess I'd better make a grocery list so I'll have something to cook for our guests when they arrive. I hope they like chicken enchiladas....

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Darling pillow