April 15, 2009


Reminds me of the old sandbox.....but with back-up beeps and bigger boys. Near as I can tell, they're moving dirt over to the area in front of the new garages. Paved driveways can't be far behind.

Tech Guy had some of these toys back in his day. But the lure of the computer was stronger than the attractiveness of dirt. His washing machine hardly ever gets kicked up to heavy duty. I like that expression his washing machine. Kinda has a nice ring to it....

So yesterday I walked down to the condo clubhouse because I'd been told there was a Tuesday afternoon gathering of ladies who knit. They were there alright, but so was their knitting teacher. It's a knitting class....where money changes hands. I'm not sure if I'll join up, since I'm pretty comfortable with my level of knitting knowledge, considering my preference for simple patterns. Then again, maybe I could get some help with the red pest--the cardigan sweater that vexed me one too many times, forcing me to banish it to the closet of lost causes.

And here's a little advice for those of you who might be having dual-controlled electric blanket issues. If you find that you're waking up in a sweat a gazillion times during the night and throwing off the blanket, even though your side is off, and hubby is requesting that you look for a long-sleeved shirt for him next time you're at the mall because he's cold and his side must be malfunctioning because he's set it on 10......you may have accidently, in your rush to get on to more fun things like crafty stuff, flipped the blanket over while changing the bed.

I just like to pass this information on, you know, to be helpful....


Anonymous said...

So, who's teaching this class? Anyone I know? Maybe you ought to start your own knitting group.....a Stitch 'n Bitch! (Seriously.)

Marcia said...

Oops...hit the wrong button! I'm not really anonymous!

Kathy W said...

Oh that's a good one on the electric blanket...oh so like us!