August 10, 2007

Mostly maintenance

It's a cool, rainy day here in the northeast, and I must confess I gave some thought to putting on socks this morning. But then I decided to just tough it out. After all, it is August. The long-sleeved shirt feels pretty good though....

So Mr. Gadget and I have been in maintenance mode for the last few days. He finished the garage-door painting project.

I did feel a small bit of guilt, so I offered to help. He assigned me a job perfectly tailored to the amount of effort I wanted to expend.
When I finished I hurried up to the treehouse to escape further assignments and after a short break, and in spite of the long list of things I have to do with deadlines, I decided I would tidy things up. I had recently purchased some canvas storage boxes with the idea of categorizing and organizing my junk. The boxes have embroidered labels that are perfectly suited to my did they know? Junk, Things, Stuff and Odds & Ends. I realized as soon as I got home that I'd need more, but when I returned to the store I was disappointed to find they'd sold out. Darn those college kids. So I had to settle for the pink and lavendar ones with no labels. Now I'll just have to try remembering where I stashed This & That, Paraphernalia, Accouterments and Trappings.....
Mr. G was so impressed, he offered to install some bookshelves and retrieve my old bulletin board from the basement. And once he arrives with his drill and screwdriver, I'll kindly ask him to hang a couple of pictures too.

And now for some random tidbits. A hummingbird has been spending his idle time sitting on top of the wrought iron feeder holder. When other hummers come around, he goes into fight mode and chases them off. Once in a while he flies down for a drink. And since it's raining, he's getting quite a bath. I guess he's the vicious guard hummer. Why can't they just get along?

I now have enough cereal box medallions to get my free projection alarm clock, thanks to Mr. G's daily habit of eating cereal for lunch.

I was hoping he would offer to mail away for it, since he's king of the rebates in our house. But he says this isn't a rebate, and isn't even remotely related to one, so it's my job. Maybe Tech Guy would do it if I promised him a couple of turns with the clock.....

And look what came yesterday.

More yarn. From Knitters' Heaven. Yeah, I know I was just there. But then the sale catalog came and they had offerings for too-good-to-pass-up low prices. I'm going to share it with a friend who loves to knit, but can't get out and about too easily because of health issues. In addition to special-order baby items, she knits lots of hats and mittens for charity. This yarn is 100% acrylic....great for throwing in the washer and dryer which makes it great for kid stuff. I'll let her have first dibs on the colors, and I'll use the rest to do a little something for charity too. The word around town is that school kids aren't allowed out for recess in the winter if they have no hats or mittens......and who likes to miss recess?

So that's it for today. I'm going to look for some socks. Hand-knit of course!

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