August 14, 2007

A blast from the past

Today I was browsing through some old pictures, and I came upon this one of Tech Guy and Big City Girl. This was taken back in the day when I knew where they were, who they were with, and what they were up to......although I do detect a guilty expression on TG's face. Obviously the seeds of those turbulent teen years were already firmly planted and taking root. Sorry about the smudge. Spaghetti-O's most likely.

And then I came across this one.

Our pet box turtle, who we allowed to roam free on occasion, had made his way into the garage of BCG's little doll house. I'm not sure whether a crowbar was needed to pry him out or not. Maybe just a little vegetable oil on the driveway did the trick. This turtle's idea of Heaven was a big pile of worms, collected from the driveway by TG after the rain, followed by a nice helping of mandarin oranges.

So it seems that a couple of you think I might need some sort of intervention for my cruising addiction. OK, well I did check on the Internet to see if there was a local meeting of Cruisaholics Anonymous, and there was not. And I'm not sure I want to drive a long ways for one. Besides, I'm living with an enabler. It might be hard to give up the habit.....

And I did check back to see if I had named a ladybug Lucille, and I don't think so. There was Lorraine and Loretta.....but no Lucille. If I ever make another one, she'll be Laverne. And then the next one will have to be Shirley.....

Earlier today I went to lunch with a friend who I've known for a long time, and who I met in a most unusual way. She used to live on my street and we shared the same address. No, we didn't live in the same house. There were two houses on our street with the same number. It's a long story and one I won't bore you with, but we got acquainted going back and forth re-delivering mail and packages. Now she lives on the other side of town. I guess the mail challenge was just too much for her. The people who bought her house aren't nearly as friendly or good-humored about it, but we do have a relationship that's cordial enough to handle the postal give and take.
And finally, here's an article I thought I'd share. I came across it on someone else's blog and found it very inspiring. I've decided that when and if I ever grow up I'd like to be just like her.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I second that...!!!