August 26, 2007

"D" is for Dollmaker

It took a few days of serious pondering to come up with a good "D" word. Then it hit me like a ton of poly pellets*. I'm a dollmaker! I love making dolls. Not the real complicated time-consuming ones though. I like making quick dolls.....kinda like making quick breads or something wearable with an "easy" sewing pattern. Tasteful and attractive without too much fuss. Although, I must say I admire dollmakers who can invest hours or even weeks in their creations. Well, now that I think about it, I did put in a few hours on this one:
Even though I like to make dolls on the quick, I often take a little extra time to add details. These seem to bring favorable comments from people at craft fairs. I've put little wire glasses on Santas and earrings on Red Hat Ladies. I've sewn bees and ladybugs on collars, and stitched spiders on witches. Once I found buttons that looked like clocks, and added watches to a few dolls.
Sometimes I get so carried away with the details I forget more important deadlines. Now, as I find myself in the last few weeks before my dad's memorial celebration, I should be figuring out what readings I'd like, and what exactly I will say..... since those gathered will no doubt be expecting something poignant. Instead, I'm making more dragonflies.

I put the clay aside for now and decided instead to dive into my fabric stash. What fun I've had searching through it looking for whimsical prints. I drew a pattern for the body and traced around it on the wrong side of the fabric.......then stitched and stuffed. I'll use other silly fabrics for the wings, which I plan to make with two layers of fabric joined with fusable web. I thought about gluing mini-clothespins to the bottoms so they could be easily attached to things, but decided instead to use jewelry pins. I'm anticipating that some of the children might want to take one home to attach to a backpack or a bedroom curtain or something-er-other. In the meantime, they will be pinned to raffia bows I'll tie around the tissue paper flower vases, or they'll sit nearby on a table.
Good thing Mr. Gadget told me he'll have extra space in his suitcase this trip. Did I mention I found some chocolate hugs and kisses on sale at the local grocery store? They were always one of dear ol' dad's favorites. He'd be proud of me for saving a few bucks......

* the little plastic pellets I use for weighting my dolls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I was weeding through some old magazine clippings this weekend, I found one on dollmaking that I've saved for you. They look sort of like some of yours, but a bit more detail in the faces. And much bigger!