May 13, 2015

Little red fuzzballs...

.....also known as needle-felted beads.  I'm planning to make a necklace....after I talk to my jewelry-making friend Sally who can advise me on chains and fasteners and stuff like that.

You might be wondering how I plan to end up with beads  all the same size.  It's going to be a challenge, but I have a plan for that too.  I'll designate one bead as the role model for all the others.  If some of the others don't quite measure up, I'll inject them with steroids (or, add a little more fuzz).  And if some are slightly overweight, I'll send them packing to the locker room for some deflategate (or do more poking). 

I'm making two crockpot dinners this week--both new recipes.  The crockpot is the next best thing to not cooking at all. Well, I take that back.  If Mr. Gadget cooked, that would fit in right between those other two.  But Mr. G. forgot everything he knew about cooking when we got married...with the exception of toasting a bagel which he does very well.

We had CP dinner #1 last night and we both gave it a thumbs-up. We are fans of Mexican food, so if you are not you can just skip right over it.  I did use flour tortillas and made burritos instead of tacos

CP dinner #2 is cooking as I type, so no report will be available until I post next.  Smells good though, and I did throw in some extra mushrooms. (I didn't post in a timely manner, so I can tell you it was another thumbs-up.  Add a little red wine to kick it up a notch.)

I think I've told you before about how I hate to have blood drawn and that on one or three, or maybe more, occasions it's been just short of a torture session.  Sometimes I've been forced to lay down with a committee of three surrounding me to discuss options.  Now that there's been a change in my insurance, I'm required to go to a regular lab (as opposed to the doctor's office).  Yesterday I had some blood drawn and I did a happy dance all the way to the car.

So I'd better go give the crockpot a stir.  We need to eat early so Mr. Gadget can attend the condo association meeting tonight.  I'm so glad he doesn't insist that I go.  The meetings are usually loud and contentious.  He handles them better than I do.  After all, he grew up in New York in an Italian family....  And I don't mind saying that I hope tonight's meeting goes into extra innings because I have lots of good shows saved.

And before I go, here is one of my Kleenex owls all framed.  I did it myself with a frame I had on hand.  Don't pay any attention to the waves above his head.  Those are just emanations from his aura.

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

Love the crock pot! This past week went on my first cruise! To Ensenada with son John! His father had to go to his club meeting but this was the cheap fare week. Was a fun experience and no cooking. Loved it. Course I know you and Mr. G have been cruising for years now!

Jewelry sounds like a nice crafty idea! For a bit of a change of pace anyway.