July 06, 2014

Please be seated

I found the chair fabric at a local fabric store--one of the few local independent fabric stores that has managed to survive.  They carry some unusual fabrics that are more expensive than those available from the big chain stores like Joann's.  But the quality is better and it's great to sew with.  I always go into the store with the intention of just browsing but, as usually happens, one or two of those lovely bolts just reaches out and grabs me.  There must be some sort of paranormal explanation...

Lately I've been sewing, and also working on an embroidery project. The embroidered piece is finished and has been mailed to Big City Girl.  As soon as she receives it, I'll post it here.  It's a little bit of whimsy. 

Two of the sewing projects are also intended for BCG.  I should be finished with them in a couple of days, and then I'll start on the chair-fabric project--a bag for me.  I bought enough of the red lining fabric to have enough for a Santa.

So, Mr. Gadget now has his new bike, and he's been pedaling all over the neighborhood and beyond.

The other day after he returned he said he'd taken a spin by the seedy bar, I mean the upscale cocktail lounge, where we met almost 39 years ago.

"How did the old place look?" I asked.

He said it was being renovated and he couldn't tell what kind of business would be going in.

"Probably a nail salon," I said, "or a Korean restaurant."  Every corner seems to have one of each.

This morning he left at 6 a.m. for a quiet, traffic-free ride to the beach.  I rolled over and slept for a couple more hours and got up just in time to unlock the door.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"Great!" he exclaimed.  "You should think about getting a bike so you can ride along with me." 

"But then I would miss out on the important sleep work I do," I said.

Then I got to thinking.  Maybe we should have gotten a bicycle-built-for-two.  That way I could sit in the back and just pretend to pedal.

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