March 16, 2014

Witchworks open for business

The Witchworks is now officially open, and well ahead of witch season I might add.  I'm doing something very unusual for me.  I'm planning ahead.  Plus, it's lots of fun making witches so I consider it more play than work.

Last fall, you may remember, I made a witch with arms and legs made out of sticks.  I dragged Mr. Gadget with me to the local park to find just the right sticks and then asked him if he wouldn't mind drilling some holes in them so I could attach them to the fabric doll body.  I found the finished doll pleasing, and was happy that someone else did too...enough to buy it. 

It was an experiment really.

So now I've decided to make another one, but one with a clay face.
Here is the sewn and stuffed doll body.  I put some plastic pellets in the bottom to weight it down a bit.  I painted a coat of gesso onto the head to make the fabric more agreeable to the clay application.  Once the snow is gone and the ground has dried out, I'll make another trip to the park.  I'll go alone this time.  Mr. Gadget enjoys an occasional walk in the park, but he's not fond of helping me forage for body parts.

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