March 27, 2014

Nary a tweet

Usually by now the neighborhood birds are back in full force, but so far not a one.  Winter, on the other hand, will not leave.  I will be patient.  I'm making a bird to see me through.
I haven't decided what color to paint him, but I'm leaning toward blue.  I'm sort of sorry now that I didn't leave an earthquake bird at the Calcondo, since there was a 4.4 quake soon after we left. 

I've finished painting the face on my latest witch. At least, I think I've finished. Maybe she needs a wart. 

Soon I will visit the park and forage for sticks.  I hope by then there will be lots of birds tweeting.

So yesterday was Mr. Gadget's birthday and I think this was his favorite gift.

Some facetime with Big City Girl.  Isn't techno-magic wonderful!

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