January 09, 2014

The cat's meow

Here's another needle-felted project.  He has the same problem that I often have.  When he's sitting on his rear end his feet don't reach the floor.  But unlike my issue, his is easily correctable.  I'll just needle those bottom fibers in a little farther till he's at ground level.  If only my problems were so easily fixed.

So Mr. Gadget and I are about to depart on our winter trek to the Calcondo.  I don't think you can call us snowbirds because those folks go south to Florida.  Maybe snowslugs fits us better. This has been one heck of a winter here in Connecticut so far, and we won't mind missing the rest.

I'm going to start a red crocheted triangle neck scarf thingie on the plane.  I made a plum-colored one already.  Did I show it to you?  It probably got edged out by the felted stuff. I'll take a picture as soon as we get there.  No need for heavy woolen scarves and gloves and hats in the Calcondo neighborhood.  Just a nice lightweight cotton neck scarf and a pair of sunglasses should suffice.  I'd better run.  They're about to close the cabin door...

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