January 17, 2014

Sloshing onward

So I decided the best way to deal with this latest plumbing disaster is to start a new project.  Something portable that can be taken along when we most likely will have to move out for a few days to allow the remediation people to come in and do their thing.
This will be something new for me...a standing needle-felted figure.  It is destined to be a birthday present if it turns out to be worthy of gifting.  I can't tell you much more than that at the moment because I never know just who reads my blog.  But later today Mr. Gadget will drill some holes in the round wooden base and I'll affix the wire armature to it with some strong and dependable glue.  I take back what I said before.  I will show some of my progress...until it becomes recognizable....and I can only hope that it does.

There's a great needle felting website with many recognizable felted people.  This is my inspiration.

So, we're still here in the condo awaiting the next step in the fix.  The wet carpet has been pulled up and the floor dried, and the brown mess in the bathroom was removed.  We have been living here fairly comfortably since then.  The next step is for a crew to come in and tear down walls, remove a wee bit of asbestos, and dry everything out.  For this, we will likely have to be elsewhere.  We'll know more after a visit from representatives of the clean-up company who are scheduled to arrive at any moment.  So I'll put this on hold for now and be back soon with the news...because I know you're all waiting anxiously...

Turns out the clean-up will take only a day or two.  We'll postpone it for a week and a half because Mr. Gadget has a road trip planned with his brother next week.  I'm thinking of spending some time at the spa, but I seriously doubt the insurance would cover it. So I guess I'll have to settle for a few good movies and some needle felting.  And maybe some chocolate. 

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

I haven't been over at your blog for awhile. Going to check FB to see if you've posted there? Mr. G. makes a good model. lol Those are nice crochet items!