January 04, 2014

The blogathon

It hardly seems possible I've been writing this blog for 7 years.  It seems like only yesterday I wrote my first post.  If this was a marathon, I would have just passed the seven-mile mark.  That's quite something for someone who's never been good at doing anything for the long haul. I've even managed to leave a bunch of other bloggers in the dust--those who started before me and were going strong until they ducked out of the race. 

What helps me keep going is that I like to write.  And as you know, I can write about almost anything.  I've even been known to invent subjects. So as long as I don't run out of writing ideas I should be able to power on through to the finish line.  

Sometimes life gets in the way and I don't blog as often as I'd like.  And once in a while I just have to step off the course and throw up in the bushes because life just gets so annoying. But I'm really lucky to have such nice understanding readers who always grant me some slack and wait patiently on the sidelines till they see me rounding the bend.

I'm not one for new years resolutions.  I gave those up long ago.  But I often do think about the year ahead and what I'd like to do differently.  Of course, better eating is right up there near the top.  More frequent flossing would be a good idea too.  And it couldn't hurt to do more good deeds.  Doing something special--or even just ordinary--for someone else makes me feel good.  

So, here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Do a few more good deeds in 2014.  Give some thought to signing up for a blogathon yourself. And don't forget to floss.

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