December 06, 2011

The well-dressed rock

You would think with December moving along at breakneck speed, I'd be doing my Christmas shopping, or cookie-baking, or putting up the tree and decorations. But no. Instead, I've been spending my time crocheting outfits for rocks.

This is kind of a special rock. I have a weird habit of picking up little rocks from some of the places I visit. I have no idea where most of them are now, but this one has managed to survive on my windowsill. After Christmas I'll tell you the story of this rock. It will be a very short story--maybe two sentences. I'm hoping by then I'll have this rock-crocheting skill mastered. Unlike making people clothes, rock clothes must be finished while the rocks are wearing them. Therein lies the challenge.

Here are some wonderful examples of rock couture. These give me hope that someday I, too, will be able to dress my rocks without having to grow a third hand.

I also find tree sweaters intriguing.

My Grandma Ferna, who taught me how to crochet, passed away over 30 years ago. But if we were to have a conversation today I think it would go something like this:

"Grandma, you'll never guess what I'm working on," I'd say. "I'm crocheting coats for rocks and knitting sweaters for trees."

I'm pretty sure Grandma would say, "Oh, for pity sakes!" Either that or, "My stars!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, cuz. I'm fairly certain our gramma would have said BOTH.
Thanks for the memories. Molly