October 27, 2011

Not that other gecko

I wasn't planning to make another gecko, but sometimes I just come across a fabric that announces to me--right there in the store for all to hear--"I must be a gecko!" The earlier gecko was a special order, but this one will sit on one of my craft-fair tables until someone--most likely a grandma--comes by and says, "I must have that gecko for my grandchild!" If that doesn't happen, I will give it to Tech Guy for Christmas. He loves reptilian things. And he's already got a cage and a food dish...

This gecko isn't quite finished. He still needs some beady eyes. Did you notice the hemostat? Just like surgeons use. These are monster 12-inchers. I already have some 5 and 7-inchers and they are very handy for stuffing things. These biggies are a recent acquisition, and it's all because a new tool store opened up in town.

Mr. Gadget saw an ad in the newspaper for the tool store grand-opening. There's an algebraic equation that goes something like this: Knitters' Heaven is to me as tool store is to Mr. Gadget. So off he went, leaving me happily at home, and he came back with a bag o' goodies.

"Look what I got for only $3.99," he said, holding up something unrecognizable.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's a car steering wheel puller."

"What would you want one of those for?" I shot back.

"Well, I might need something like this, you know, in the future," he said.

"What are these little blue rubber bands for?" I asked.

"They're not rubber bands," he informed me. "They're an assortment of teflon o'rings I found for only $2.99.

"Yeah, but the package says they're tephlon. That's not how you spell teflon."

"That's cooking-pot teflon," he said. "This is tephlon and it's even better than that stuff." Was it my imagination, or was he starting to look a little sheepish?

"I did get you a little something for your craft work," he said. That's when he pulled out the big hemostat.

"Thank you!" I said. "Those will be very useful, especially for reptiles. And maybe even for picking stuff up off the floor as we get older. In fact, next time you go check to see if they have any 36-inchers."

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