July 24, 2011

Will exercise for yarn

Yesterday Mr. Gadget and I took a walk around the neighborhood as we often do when we're at the Calcondo. There are lots of good places to walk with a minimum of hills....which is my kind of walk. We took a new route this time and set off down a street with wide sidewalks, lots of shade trees, and big expensive condo developments on both sides.

We were just a short ways down the street when something caught my eye and I slowed to a stop.

"What's that up ahead?" I asked Mr. G. "Is that a mirage?"

"We must check this out," I told him in no uncertain terms.

"Would you like me to take your picture by the sign?" he asked. Somehow, Mr. G. has gotten the mistaken impression that I like having my picture taken. I kept my camera safely in my pocket until the next photo op.

We were making progress.

Once inside the small garage that was part of a collection of commercial buildings that clearly seemed out of place among the condos, I discovered a lady surrounded by tables full of yarn, all marked down 50 and 60%.

I bought some festive hand-dyed cotton boucle. I had no choice really. When the yarn gods accost you on the sidewalk during a pleasant Saturday morning walk, there's no alternative.

After we returned home, I made sure Mr. G was comfortably settled on the couch with a beer and a car show on TV, and I returned to the sale for some leisurely shopping, you know, the kind you can only do without a man-in-tow.
This time I had doll embellishments in mind. As I was checking out, the lady told me she'd be there again in a couple of weeks with more and different yarn. I'm sorry I'll have to miss it. We'll be driving north that weekend. I guess it's just as well. Mr. G graciously offers me crafty space in his suitcase, and it's likely he might be considering charging me rent.

1 comment:

Marge Malwitz said...

What an unexpected find on your walk! The lady must have had a story too!