May 08, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all youse moms out there. Youse. That's an expression you won't find in the grammar books, but one occasionally heard in this part of the country. It irritates me almost as much as fruit and newspaper stickers.
Today I'm kicking back and relaxing, since it's my day. No dusting, no vacuuming, no laundry, and nothing else of a housework nature. In other words, a day pretty much like any other day....

So yesterday I trained to the city to see Big City Girl. For the first time I was able to take advantage of the discounted senior-citizen fare. And they even allow us elder folks to buy our tickets on the train rather than having to fret over those confounded ticket machines.
Here's a city scene that tickled me. I guess these pigeons were too highbrow to engage in scrounging for food on the sidewalk.

I wish I was better about taking pictures in the city. I wouldn't photograph buildings or landmarks. I'd focus on the weird characters--always in plentiful supply. The sidewalks of New York are a veritable circus. Next time I'll try to do better. It probably won't be long before I go again, now that the train fare is a bargain and I don't have to figure out which buttons to push on the machine. There's nothing like a fun day in the Big Apple. Youse never know what might be lurking around the next corner...

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