September 03, 2010


I'm excited to see Fall creeping into the neighborhood--but not nearly as excited as my neighbors who've suffered through record heat this summer.....all while I was basking in the ocean breezes of southern California while occasionally wearing a sweatshirt.

I finished the pilgrim pair.
These are replacements for pilgrims that were burgled following the funeral of the nice lady who owned them. I'm not sure of the exact circumstances surrounding the thievery--only that when the lady's daughter went to retrieve them from her home they'd gone missing. This sounds like a good candidate for an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

I've had a hard time getting around to the blog lately...what with the pilgrims and a new knitting group and my annual appointment for bloodwork. I'd been looking for a local knitting group to join and finally found one close by at the senior center. I have to be honest, I was a little tentative about walking through the front door of the senior center and associating myself with a bunch of old people. I kept seeing my grandmother in her flower-print dress and her tiny little grandma shoes driving all of her friends to the senior center in her big green Plymouth. What a pleasant surprise to discover there were very few old people there...heh...heh....

Then there was the bloodwork. It frequently requires a committee to get blood out of me. Right off I tell the nurse I have bad veins and ask if she couldn't please take it out of my hand. I know, that must sound awful. But believe me, it's better than having 3 or 4 painful stabs in the arm. I think it's better just to head them off at the pass.

And now I plan to finish the disheveled morning lady. Mr. Gadget helped me out with the hair rollers. He cut short lengths of dowel (actually foam brush handles) and drilled a small hole through each so they can be applied to the head like beads. Then I'll get the clay out and make her a cup of coffee. Oh, she just told me (from her perch on the bookcase behind me) she only drinks cappuccino. Maybe I'll just get her a Starbucks card.

So now I guess I'll go wait for Earl. Wait. Earl. Isn't that something you put in your car?

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