September 04, 2007

Movin' on out

I'll be skipping the ABC's today, as I've been so busy over the weekend I haven't had time to brainstorm for an "F" word....heh...heh.... Although there were a few moments of frustration and even some fun as we moved Tech Guy into his new apartment on Saturday.Tech Guy has been known to hit the snooze button on his clock radio on workday mornings, however this is not the case on Saturdays when there's an opportunity to drive a big truck. A 14-footer was just the thing for getting all of his stuff from here to there in one trip. While it's more expensive than borrowing a friend's pick-up, it's much less wear and tear on mom and dad.

I fixed a picnic lunch for the moving crew, which consisted of Tech Guy, Big City Girl, BCBF and, of course, The Parents. I made four turkey and cheese sandwiches with a variety of condiments and one PB&J, and put each in a sandwich bag along with a scrap of paper on which I wrote the name of the recipient. Everyone thought this was extremely funny and clever of me.

Here's Tech Guy finishing up his PB&J. I meant to send the jar of PB with him but forgot. He'll have to stop by the house for a box of forgotten items anyway....including this handy little crocheted bowl that's great for putting just inside the front door to hold car keys. On Sunday, Mr. Gadget and I did some fumigating in TG's old room. We opened the windows wide, took down the curtains for washing, vacuumed up nine months' worth of dust bunnies, and took the throw rug out for a good airing. In a few weeks it should be back to guest room status.

Meanwhile, I did finish up a sewing project--a pair of long pants in a festive print.

And I'm about to finish a festive skirt too. Then my sewing machine will go into the shop for a little service. It's starting to talk back. I think it needs an attitude adjustment. There are some tension issues. I've probably been expecting too much from it. Maybe we could all just use a little vacation.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do something permanent with the room...quick!! Love the pants....we need to talk about that pattern, sizing, and some other sewing issues! (I'm off to see if I can't get a new Bernina to "follow me home" like that new mixer did a few weeks ago!