July 10, 2020

Happy 4th...a little late

Back when I was making dolls, I had a character for almost every holiday.  They all started with the same basic doll pattern and then I accessorized to suit the character.  I got lots of mileage out of that pattern.  In fact, I had to duplicate it several times because it got tattered and worn.  It's one of the reasons I save paper grocery bags.  They work well when I need to make a pattern because they hold up well to lots of pinning.

Sometimes I'd get a request for a different sort of character.  I made a lion once.  Then there was a teddy bear and a gingerbread man, and a pilgrim couple. One of my favorites was a red hat lady.  
I accumulated quite a collection.  Several are pictured in my blog banner.

I eventually ran out of gas for making these dolls--which I referred to as the beanbags for their weighted bottoms and chubby appearance. But I still have all of my patterns and I could jump back in whenever the mood strikes me.

So Mr. Gadget and I have decided to skip our annual summer trip to the Calcondo.  With the virus being under control here in Connecticut, and threatening to run amok in California, it seemed like a wise decision  We've alerted our neighbors and made arrangements for our car to be exercised.  I'm sure the spiders will be settling in.  If they decide to have a party, we're hoping they'll leave the wine alone.

And now, as if the virus wasn't enough, we're hunkering down for Tropical Storm Faye.  She's making her way north.  Mr. Gadget thinks only of the potential for a power outage and the likelihood of being without his gadgets. I, on the other hand, think of it as an opportunity to sit in my recliner, read my Kindle, enjoy some snack meals, and crank up the camp lantern.  "Think of it as an adventure!" I enthusiastically suggest.

He's gone off to the man cave to sulk.

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