April 12, 2020

Easter bunnies `

First, just so you know, these are NOT my slippers.  They belong to the morning lady--a doll I made a few years ago.  

I'm not a religious person and have never been a regular church-goer. I know some of you will judge, especially one of my cousins who has been trying to save me for years.  My mother went to church occasionally and I often went with her. My dad not at all.  Neither ever told me which religion to follow. They left it up to me to decide.  During my youth I tried out different ones by going to church with friends and relatives, and eventually let lots of reading and life experiences be my guide.

My children had some religious education, primarily because their grandmother insisted on it and Mr. Gadget didn't want to disappoint.  

But I was always in charge of Easter and that meant cooking a tasty holiday meal and filling hidden Easter baskets with candy and little trinkets.  As the kids got older I continued that tradition, but added an egg hunt in the backyard.  Hard-boiled colored eggs eventually evolved to plastic eggs with money inside.

But we parents don't know what we don't know.  Those money eggs ended up being a bad idea.  The morning trek around the yard would usually turn out like this:

"He got more eggs than I did!" she'd yell.

"I'm just faster," said he.

"This is totally unfair!" she'd proclaim as she stomped into the house, not to be seen again until afternoon.

Maybe we should have all gone to church instead.

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