April 19, 2020

Call the ghostbusters

Mr. Gadget just rolls his eyes when I tell him I think there might be ghosts in our house.  He's a black-and-white kind of guy. I'm more likely to allow a little color in. 

Whenever I've heard a loud clunk coming from another room, or noticed the lights flickering on my bedside table lamp, he usually has a good explanation. He didn't have one, however, for the time I saw the motion-sensor light in the downstairs bathroom came on in the middle of the night.  It wasn't pets.  We have none.

So this morning around 9:30 he called me from the bedroom.  "Come in here and take a look at this orb," he said--clueless to the fact that orbs are round.  He knows I have an interest in orbs.  I've seen quite a few around family members in pictures I've taken.

So I scurried in hoping to see more evidence.
I have to say, it was rather striking.  Mr. Gadget's first name starts with an F.  It seemed it was meant just for him.  What could it mean?  Well, of course it was just the sun and blinds playing a little game with us.  We do see bright lines on the walls occasionally, but never on this lampshade, or any lampshade for that matter.  I'm calling it a forb.  This hasn't swayed Mr. Gadget's thinking in the least, although he did say if he ever sees an "M' on the lamp he might reconsider.

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