January 13, 2018

What was I thinking?

So, you may remember Vinny--the chef doll I made for an Art Doll Quarterly magazine challenge a few years ago.  Well, I don't know what got into me but I decided to give it another go. The subject of the new challenge was "The Age of Aquarius." Although I wasn't a flower child back then I did wear bell bottoms, so I decided that was enough to qualify me for the doll challenge. "Far out!" 

It was quite a challenge as it turned out.  That was mostly because my working-on-doll mood would frequently leave me in the dust. But I did persist and managed to get the silly old thing, I mean the wonderfully whimsical art doll, finished and delivered by the deadline.  Check the spring issue, due out around the end of February, to see if I made the cut.  They have yet to tell me that beforehand.  In my case, I'll probably hear about it from a friend. Mr. Gadget and I are at the Calcondo where we get forwarded mail sometimes in a timely fashion.

So yes, the Calcondo.  We've had another flood....of sorts.  The sewer again.  It happened mid-November, so we decided, rather than coming out here then, we'd let the cleaning crews do their thing.  This would leave us with just the putting-it-back-together part. Lots less smelly we figured. Turns out that was probably a mistake.  The demolition guys came in and tore out way more than they should have.  In fact, a mop and some Fantastik would have been sufficient based on what our contractor reported when he did a walk-through before the demolition.

I'm not usually one to think badly of people.  I leave that to Mr. G.   But the guy who owns the demolition company was at our front door soon after we arrived to tell us what a great job he could do rebuilding it all for us....for a hefty sum.

We were very worried that the place wouldn't be in good enough shape for us to live in during our winter visit, but we've managed to make it quite comfy.  And it's 80 degrees outside today in L.A. and we could be at the Concondo were it's going to be 5 tonight. So what's a little sewer water?

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