March 22, 2015

Spring? Fagetaboutit!!

Here's the view from my Treehouse on the first day of Spring.  Do you like to display small treasures on the windowsills like I do?  That's a painted house rock on the left--made by a friend's daughter.  The round one is a piece of coral from Grand Cayman.  It was sitting on the edge of a dock--probably placed there by a swimmer who spied it in the clear waters.  Finders keepers.

So Mr. Gadget and I are doing a little shopping this morning.  It's my favorite kind of shopping.  He goes to Costco and texts me at home with a picture of something he thinks I might need or want.  Do I really need/want some kitchen-cleaning brushes?  I thought about suggesting he move on down to the dessert case, but thought better of it.

I'm still working on felted Santa ornaments and will put some beards on them today.  It will be good to have something done early this year.  I'm thinking of trying some snowmen.  Yep, that's what happens.  I think I'm done early, but I'm never done.  It's always a mad dash as Fall approaches.

The week ahead will be a busy one.  Mr. Gadget has a birthday.

He's an easy birthday guy.  He's happy with an apple pie. I did order him a little something though and I'm insisting he stay away from the front door tomorrow when I'm expecting it to be delivered.  I love how easy shopping has gotten these days, but it's lots more difficult to keep secrets.

Big City Girl's birthday was this past week, and she'll be coming to visit next weekend.
Her birthdays are pretty easy too.  She's happy with a gift card for books on her Kindle and a nice helping of chicken parm.  She did tell me that her boyfriend gave her some boxing headgear.  How exciting!  Now that she's moved up to advanced boxing at the gym she goes to, she says she needs some head protection.  Can you imagine someone coming at this pretty little face with a left hook?  Please God, just let me find a good place to stick my head in the sand.

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