April 26, 2014

See ya later, alligator

A former neighbor of mine recently moved to Florida.  Her new house is on a lake wherein alligators reside.  I don't know if these are friendly alligators, but if they are I'm sure they've gravitated to her place because she's well known for her hospitality.  She may have even purchased some chaise lounges for their sunbathing pleasure, as well as a variety of snacks they would find appealing.

She asked me a while back if I would make her a paper mache alligator.  It wasn't that she was lacking for alligators.  I think she just thought it would be nice to have one that could live in the house. It would, of course, also remind her of me and all the fun times we used to have exchanging our mail and getting to know each other.....all because we shared the same address.  It's a long story and one I think I've already written about on the blog.  Now that we've both moved on to different zip codes, I'll just leave it in the archives.
I decided to take up the challenge.  She only wanted a little one she said.  About 8 or 10 inches.

Here's what I have so far.  It's pushing 12 inches....because sometimes the paper and wire and tape have minds of their own.  They don't like to follow orders.

As soon as I decide in which direction the feet should face I'll start applying the paper mache.  It should go together fairly quickly.  I'll find an old shoebox and send him off to Florida....where he is sure to find some kindred spirits.  And when the postal clerk asks me if there's anything liquid, fragile, perishable or hazardous inside, I'll just have to tell a little fib.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

I got your blog bookmarked now on this computer so I'll be around here more often than I have been for awhile.....see ya later alligator....hey maybe your wrote that? Did you finish that alligator? After while crocodile.