April 07, 2014

A sketchy sketcher

On Saturday I took the train down to NYC to attend an art-journaling workshop.  It was a beautiful day and I was able to be a tourist on my walk down 5th Avenue.
The workshop was entitled "Everyday Matters" and was led by Danny Gregory, who journals every day about his life using sketches.  It sounded interesting.  It sounded like something new and adventurous for a woman who usually roosts in a well-furnished rut.  I decided to sign up, but only if I could get there on foot from Grand Central.  I am not a subway person.  I'm not much of a taxi person either.

I was in luck.  It was a straight shot, just 12 blocks down 5th Avenue. I signed up.

The materials list was short and I didn't need to shop. I had a sketchbook that was at least 5" x 7" and some rollerball pens with black ink.

Danny assured us right up front that we didn't need to be good artists to draw about our lives.  Many famous artists threw away most of their work and only occasionally produced a masterpiece.  Some didn't even sell a painting during their lifetime (Van Gogh).  The secret was to practice, and most of all to just enjoy the process.

By the afternoon we were doing a few personal sketches.  

Who knows?  It may not be too long before I'm publishing The Macaroni Monologues....the illustrated edition.  But there'll have to be lots of practicing before then, and right now I'm gnarled-knuckled-deep in the Witchworks.

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