November 24, 2013


It's really cold here at the Concondo, and windy. And no, I didn't fall off the boat.  I've just been busy since our return last Saturday.  Now that the boat has finally stopped rocking I have a little calm before the storm.  We expect relatives from 3 states to arrive in town on Wednesday for Thanksgiving:  Big City Girl from NYC, Uncle Alan from Wichita, and nephew Dylan (now a college student) from Amherst, Mass.  Mr. Gadget has offered to assist me in the holiday preparations.  He will scrub the toilets and make the giblet gravy.  The gravy isn't that big of a deal.  He's the only one who eats giblets.  But his offer to take on that scrubbing business makes him a definite keeper.

After we got home last weekend I had only one week to finish and organize my Christmas crafts for the old hotel holiday sale.  They had to be delivered yesterday.  I worked on needle-felted Santas and snowmen on the ship....and ended up selling 4 to fellow passengers.  Oh, sorry.  I think I already mentioned my peddling activity in a previous post.

In addition to the ornaments, I finished a felted Santa...which I also took to the hotel.

I made many new friends in the knitting group that was held each sea-day morning on the ship.  I'll tell you more about the cruise later.  Right now I have to finish my grocery list....and wait for my brain to rejoin my body.  It still thinks it's south of the equator.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

That is a cute Santa!!!! You and Mr. G. are marvels! Keep up the good work!