June 07, 2013

Gettin' our creativity on

Mr. Gadget and I are getting our stuff together
for the long-awaited, much-anticipated
creativity day tomorrow.

My stuff is on the coffee table.

His stuff is in the basement.
See that neat wine rack?
He had to evict his wine bottles.

Here they are.
Awaiting its return...
like patient little soldiers.
It will be interesting to see how my experiment goes.
"Are you nervous?" asked Mr. Gadget.
"A little," I said. "You know I'm really sticking my neck out.
Maybe I'd rather just sit home and knit."
There will be food.
There will be a bright colorful banner.
There will be fair weather...
the weatherman promised.
How bad can it be?
I'll be back soon with a review
of my directing debut.
As they say, "Break a leg!"
Better that than
"Break a hip!"


Kathy W said...

Bet all went very well.....! she wrote creatively. LOL

Kathy W said...

"Bite the bullet" lol and hope to see you and Mr. G if he wants to have a day at the park!