January 09, 2013

No, I haven't croaked

(Imagine a cute frog picture here.  Blogger is being mean about photos at the moment.)

I'm still here, but I've been feeling poorly.  That flu bug I had last week just doesn't seem to want to go.

Fortunately, I've had good care.  Hilda the housemaid (aka Mr. Gadget) has hovered around me like a happy helicopter.  But now she says she needs to get back to her regular day job so I'm being forced to hobble around on my own.

So Christmas with the northern relatives was nice, all things considered.  Big City Girl arrived in good order (I think I already told you this) but not much good can be said for her return trip.  Her flight to NY was delayed 5 hours....and thank goodness that alert pilot in the plane behind hers noticed the fuel leaking out of the engine on the taxiway.

Then we had a small contingent of relatives (from Kansas) who followed us back south for a few days because they wanted to "do LA."  And if you've ever been to LA, you know it's not do-able in 2 days, so we narrowed them down to:  1) a train trip to San Diego (where my chin and nose met the pavement), and 2) a trip to the beach.

No sooner had my chin started healing up than my temperature started to rise.....and I'm still not back 100%, although my face looks much better and Mr. Gadget no longer needs to keep a low profile.

In addition to not blogging, I've been not knitting.  I've been reading though, and am about to finish a book I've enjoyed very much (The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty).  I've been reading it in large print, since that was the only copy the library had, and I must admit I kinda like that large easy-on-your-eyes type.  For some reason though, after I've read for an hour or two I feel compelled to head over to Denny's for the early-bird special.

Today I bought some yarn for a scarf.  I've knitted many scarves, but between BCG and me we never have enough.  Besides, I decided to put the red pest, I mean the red beast, on hold till the next time we're here at the Calcondo.  I'm going to have a much better relationship with it after I've had a little vacation--maybe like a two-week cruise.  In fact, if I don't start feeling better soon I'm going to schedule an appointment with a local doctor and see if he'll write me a prescription for one. I may have to turn on my charm.

(Here's a cute frog story to make up for the lack of frog photo.)

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Hubbs and I had our 35th anniversary onboard the QMI. A "stationary" cruise which was a fun thing to do. Am wondering since I have been in contact with our mutual friend if Mrs. Macaroni M. still thinks that a meeting maybe over in Calcondo territory is a good idea? At any rate having Hilda aka Mr. G to care for you must have been quite "interesting". Having Hubbs take care of me--usually seems like an impossibility....HA! Glad that you are better Mrs. MM!