October 04, 2012

Don't let the turkeys get you

Sometimes when I'm toodling around town I come across something that makes me say, "You'd never see that in California."  Yesterday on the way to my knitting group I had to brake for turkeys.  You'd think when they noticed a car bearing down they might quicken their steps.  But no.  They were like a gaggle of teenagers with attitude.

So, the Paper Mache Santa Project is moving along nicely. I've added a layer of newspaper, and now I have to decide on the arm positions before adding more paper. Later, while I'm wrist-deep in goo, I'll ruminate on the pros and cons of a decision I have to make in the very near future.  Before Oct. 23 to be exact.  That's the date of my next hair color appointment.

Should I, or should I not, go gray?  I'm so tired of the bother of keeping one step ahead of the roots.  I'm tired of not being happy with the color I end up with.  Actually, I'm not too unhappy with what I have now, but I'm unwilling to go through the torture of having it done again (multiple scalp stabbings with a crochet hook.)

Is this a good time to do it?  There is never a good time, I'm convinced.  Will I look older? Probably, but I've been noticing gray-haired ladies lately and some look darn good. I wonder if I could wear a hat all winter? Shave my head?  Get a wig?  Hibernate like a bear? Or just ignore all those who look askance.

Now that I think about it, hibernating sounds like a good choice.  That will save me from having to make two difficult decisions....the hair color one, and the one where I have to decide on which turkey, I mean presidential candidate, to vote for on November 6.


Anonymous said...

Love this chapter, Marcia! You do make some good points about Going Grey. Hmmm. I say go for it. It would be a Good Thing.

Kathy W said...

I've only dyed twice now and I'm now gone grayer. I like it. Easier. No more dye jobs maybe forever.....talking turkey seems like a prelude to November....and hibernating I love it!