March 31, 2020

Back among 'em

Sorry, I got sidetracked....

I decided this would be a good time to jump back in, what with all that's going on in the world and me here in the Treehouse looking for any excuse to avoid cleaning closets and all those productive things the rest of you are doing...

First of all, Mr. Gadget and I are fine.  We've been back in Connecticut (from the Calcondo) for the last two weeks and we've been staying safely in our house with the occasional grocery-store trip.  Mr. Gadget volunteered to be our go-and-fetcher and that has worked out very well.  He usually comes home with chocolate.

Big City Girl is right down in the thick of things.  Since she has a tech job she's able to work from home in Brooklyn in a cute, cozy little office she has fashioned for herself from a walk-in closet.  She had office furniture delivered and painted some artwork to decorate the walls....along with something she calls fairy lights.

I'll continue to post to keep family and friends up to date on how we're doing.  I have lots of crafty things to share too and will do that just as soon as I remember how to do the picture thing.

Everyone stay safe and well.....and calm.

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