October 01, 2018

A little more stitchin'

For me, embroidery is kinda like the long-stemmed crystal glass of sorbet they give you in fancy restaurants between the appetizer and the main course.  It cleanses the palate.  It's a clear sign I'm full-up with needle felting and in need of a short refreshing pause before forking into the next course of deliciousness.

I love to embroider, but like many of us stitchers (or so I've heard) I'm not a good thread organizer.  I usually end of with this.....
I can't be bothered with winding my thread onto those cute little cardboard bobbins....or clothespins that seem to be popular with stitchers today.  So I was very happy to read about a new tip that suits me to a T.  If I gently pull the thread end that's nearest the paper wrapper with the color number on it I'll avoid that pesky knotting business.  I'm thrilled to pass along this handy tidbit of good advice.

And speaking of clothespins.....
I've been making more hobo bags, and you know how I always love a little bit of whimsy.

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