November 14, 2011

Slogging toward the weekend

I mentioned before that I have two craft fairs scheduled next weekend. I usually like to spread them out, but hey, nobody listened to my suggestions. So I'm trying to pace myself and not get too crazy.

It should be easier than previous years--with less dolls and more ornaments. All of the ornies are in that box. And the dishcloths are lightweight for easy schlepping.

Here are a couple of tablecloths and some bags. Both fairs will supply my table, so that's one less thing to worry about. I'm going prepared because I've learned from past mistakes. If I end up with an 8-ft. table, I'll use the extra-long red plaid tablecloth. But most likely I'll have a 6-ft. table so I'll use my fitted green tablecloth with a skirt (currently in the laundry basket) that goes all the way to the floor--to cover up unsightly boxes and other junk that crafters stick under their tables. Also, it provides a nice tent for when I feel like I just need to get away from it all. Or if I want to eat an extra donut.

Here's my little table-top tree for displaying the ornies.

I have a smaller one too, but I'm not sure if I'll take it. I like that saying: "less is more."

I should remember that when I'm approaching the cruise buffet, but just like these folks I always seem to forget.

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