October 20, 2009

Pilgrimage to Rhinebeck

Other Marcia (who is no longer blogging....how sad) and I made our annual trek to the NY Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck on Sunday. The weather was frightful, but not nearly bad enough to deter a couple of dyed-in-the-wool fiber fanatics. I purchased a couple of trinkets. Can you pick them out in the picture? Wool balls. It's always good to have a few extra pincushions if you're a person like me who sews. In fact, it's not a bad idea to have one in every room, along with a pair of reading glasses.
You never know when the urge to sew might strike.
I'm feeling a little under the weather today, so I'm going to make this short and post a few photos of interesting festival oddities.
A lovely free-form crocheted dress/tunic thingie.
Maybe just the thing for cruise formal nights.
These are most likely not on the TSA's approved for carry-on list.

Take a good look at this picture and tell me what you see. I'm pretty sure you see a very large, lazy sheep. I, on the other hand, see hundreds of Santa beards.
I'll be back soon. I'm off to find some Tylenol, and hopefully a little sympathy.


marcia said...

Sorry to hear you aren't up to snuff....cold?

You did get some good pictures, though...I never even saw those huge needles! I can't manage size 13's! Now, see, if I had known I couldn't give them a check at the Apple Store for my NEW IPHONE, I'd have gone to get it Saturday and could have taken a few pictures!

New phone #, by the way. Will email you.

Kathy W said...

Hope that you are feeling better!