October 28, 2009

Auntie Pasto is coming to dinner

The other day Mr. Gadget suggested we might invite our good friends, Jack and Jane, over to our house for dinner.
"We've been to their house several times and I think we owe them," he said. "Besides, now we have this nice, new place suitable for entertaining."
I responded with no response, which is usually how I let him know I'm not thrilled with whatever it is he's just proposed. After all, I'm the kind of gal who's much more comfortable with a sewing machine than with a stove.
Soon I was able to collect my thoughts. "Maybe I'll serve witches and frogs as the main course." I said.
"And I'll fill the wine glasses with a refreshing alternative.""For dessert I'll make a colorful yarn parfait," I said. "This will be a great dinner and I won't even have to go to the grocery store."

Mr. Gadget gave me the look. How sad that the man has no sense of whimsy.

Then I remembered Auntie Pasto. She came to the dinner party I gave for the neighbor ladies at the Calcondo. Afterwards, when the ladies called to thank me, they all had wonderful things to say about Auntie P.

So I'm planning to fly her in for the party. I'll pick her up Friday morning so she'll have plenty of time before the evening's festivities to kick back, relax and marinate. I hope her flight isn't late...


marcia said...

You are too funny!

Anonymous said...

You are brilliant, Marcia. I especially love the dessert course! Love your blog. . . LOVE IT! Thank you. Cuz Molly

Kathy W said...

Hmmm Auntie Pasto looked so good.