July 03, 2008

Button band boredom

I brought the red pest sweater project along with me on this trip, with plans to finish it and return home with something nice and warm to wear in the chilly fall New England weather. I'd forgotten how boring it is to knit a button band. Then again, maybe I've never knitted one before. I don't remember. It seems much more sensible to make a round-neck cardigan rather than a v-neck one and knit those suckers right along with the fronts.
I did plan ahead though, which for me is not typical. I've made sure to put the button band on the proper side for a lady. Soon I'll be able to start knitting the buttonhole band and that will be more interesting--what with those little holes I'll have to put in every so often. Good thing I have an in-house math expert. Knowing right where to place six evenly-spaced buttonholes could be a real challenge without a calculator. Maybe Mr. G. can figure a way to work a spread sheet into the project.....
The art sock is coming along, although I've decided to change its name again. I'm going to call it the January sock. It's so heavy, I might be able to wear it in the snow....without boots. While I was knitting on it yesterday, I realized I'd dropped a stitch a few rows back--something I haven't done in a long time. After tinking (unknitting stitch-by-stitch) back a ways, I realized I could pick up the dropped stitch with my trusty crochet hook. It worked like a charm, and saved me several rows of tinking.

So the 4th of July decorations have started popping up all around the condo complex. Mr. Gadget and I have no big plans for the holiday, other than to carry on a tradition begun years ago by dear ol' dad and our upstairs neighbor, Ernestine. We'll carry our lawn chairs and some sweet treats up to the second floor balcony and view the city fireworks display over the roof tops with our neighbors. After a few ooohs and aaahs, we'll carry our chairs back downstairs, throw the leftover treats in the freezer, and call it a night. Do we know how to party or what!


Anonymous said...

Hah...we make you guys look like real party animals! A cookout with the grandkids, then off to bed!

kathy b said...

You DO know how to party. THose are the best kind! WE too had a quiet day , much needed, however a bit too cool at the fireworks. Could have used an alpaca sweater ! Love the images on this post.