July 02, 2008

Shrubbery love

Mr. Gadget and I have a routine in the mornings here at the condo. He makes himself a cup of tea and I make a cup of instant coffee (why perk a whole pot that just begs me to drink it?) Then one of us walks the short ways up the sidewalk to the newspaper dispenser, where we deposit a quarter. And if we wait long enough to hear the coin fall, it cooperates and coughs up a paper. We learned the hard way about that waiting part, and on a Sunday no less....when the newspaper costs five quarters.
While I'm reading my horoscope, the comics, and the daily TV offerings, Mr. G. reads....and comments out loud.....about the nasty state of the world, the country, the financial markets, and the local crime. It's usually enough to send me out for a walk.
So this morning I decided to take my camera along, in case I saw something interesting. And what do you know! There's all kinds of love and goodwill right here in the neighborhood.
Just look at this flowering plant hugging the cactus, although I'm sure things get a bit thorny between the two of them from time-to-time.Doesn't this pair look lovey-dovey? Of course, you've got to wonder if there are co-dependency issues and maybe a little enabling.
Here's an interesting couple. One looks like it thought about running off a year ago or so.....maybe with a younger, prettier little sapling.....but decided to hang in there with a little help from a supportive friend.
You know a couple is really in love when one can ignore the other's whiskers.....
"Come sit up here, little guy," said the tree. "It's safe from piddling dogs."
You've gotta have real admiration for a couple like this, standing tall and proud in spite of each having a really bad hair day.
Now for some breaking news, Big City Girl just called to inform us that her court case was dismissed. Seems the evil shopkeeper, aka the tormenting gadfly, didn't bother to show up.
So now you'll have to excuse me while I go hug a hydrangea....


Anonymous said...

Great post....and congrats to BCG!

kathy b said...

Wonderful tree/botanic post. So cute.

Great to hear your daughters good news. Phew

Anonymous said...

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia is there no end to your clever creativity?
A post with pictures and script so cute I laughed out loud several times......glad too for BCG. The shopkeeper must have been just another innercity nut?

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh, Marcia. You found all those Mr & Mrs Botanicals within walking distance of the Calcondo??

Well, I'm going to have to open my eyes bigger when I go for MY morning walks.

Surely we have some happy couples here in Bakertucky as well.

Thanks for the chuckles.
Molly McKean