April 02, 2014


You're probably wondering if I took the mugs with me to buy the shirts, or if I took the shirts to buy the mugs.  I'll never tell, but of all my shirts my favorite is the white one.  I've taken extra-special care of it for several years now so as not to spill anything on it (I'm notorious for not wearing aprons when I cook).  I never wear it when I eat spaghetti.  I'm pretty sure marshmallows would be harmless.  In fact, I've been known to grab a few out of the bag when I'm wearing it.

There's not much going on here at the moment.  I've been making some slow progress on witches, although I did take 30 minutes off to do a speed-cleaning of my work area.  It's amazing how much clutter a person can clear if she sets a time limit and moves at warp speed.

I also made a list of items I'd like to have completed for the old hotel craft show in October.  This should help me stay on some sort of reasonable track instead of going off on one of my usual tangents.

Here's another witch in progress.

Months ago I covered a bottle with paper mache and attached some arms.  My original plan was to make a Santa.  But I've been having so much fun sculpting witch faces I changed my mind.  Do you see that snake skin behind her?  That's vinyl and it's my sewing machine cover.  When I was much, much younger I made most of my own clothes.  I got an idea one day to make a snake-skin raincoat.  I was quite the fashionista even then...

My mom (who taught me how to sew and, more importantly, how to rip out stuff that wasn't right even though I always thought whatever I was making was good enough) and I shopped long hours looking for the right snake skin print.  It had to be just the right shades of black and white.  I wanted something subtle. I finally found it in a fabric store in the L.A. garment district.  I loved that raincoat and wore it all the time.  I wish I still had it; I don't know what became of it.  But from the remnant that was left over I made a sewing machine cover, and it's served me well for all these years.

I loved making my clothes and I'd still be making them today if I could be sure that on Friday I'd be the same size as on Monday... 

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