January 29, 2014


One of the things I like to do after the first of the year, and after a busy craft season, is to try out a few of my new ideas.  One of my favorite mediums to work with is paper mache.
I wanted to make some Santa head ornaments, and I thought I'd try using traditional ornament caps--those little silver toppers you usually see on balls.  I had saved a few from broken ones, and from ones that were old and discolored that I had tossed in the trash.

This is a very rough first attempt.  He needs more work before he'll be ready to paint.  Here's what I'll do differently next time.  I'll save the ornament caps for a different project.  I think the rustic-looking Santa would be better with just a simple wire loop on top. I also need to do a better job of mixing the instant mache.  It was just too sticky and annoying to work with.  There has to be a just-right consistency that would make the project more fun, and give me a better result. More patience during the preparation would help, I'm sure. I will finish him, though, and show you the before and after.  He does have potential.

So Mr. Gadget returned home from his road trip and we've been scurrying around getting ready for the clean-up crew to arrive. They'll open our wet walls and suck out the bad stuff while we stay a couple of nights in a nearby hotel. We like that old adage: When life gives you lemons, make hotel reservations

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