January 21, 2013


I finished one more set of cloth napkins
and mailed them off to a friend.
I bought the fabric years ago
with her in mind.
But I've just recently, finally,
decided what to make out of it.
This friend hails from Canada.
Prince Edward Island to be exact.
Back in our single days--
when we both had apartments
here in SoCal--
she taught me about the fine art
of brewing tea.
"It must always be served in a
ceramic pot, she said,
"And you must rinse the pot
first with hot water."
I had no idea.
I'm more of a coffee-drinker myself,
but on rare occasions when I have tea,
I heat up a cup of water
in the microwave and throw a teabag in.
When it looks about right I remove
the bag and put in one
packet of sweetener.
I'm never going to put milk
in my tea.
I just don't wanna.
Mr. Gadget drinks his tea that way
and he thinks I'm wrong.
But he thinks I'm wrong about a lot of things--
like for instance how I parallel park.
I don't wanna do that either,
so I don't.
But anyway, I made these napkins
for my tea-drinking friend
and I hope she likes them
and doesn't put them in a back closet to
save for a special occasion.
When she makes tea
it's always a special occasion,
and worthy of some handmade
teapot cloth napkins.
I'm hopeful she's received them by now.
Otherwise I may have spoiled the surprise.


Kathy W said...

Marcia, Just keep doing what ya wanna! I have many problems that you have too. However I have had plenty of tea with milk and with cream and I've had coffee with tea, milk, creme, half and half, boiling water to weaken. Ditto with tea. What has food got to do with it. I'm rephrasing from Tina Turner the one heroine I really like "What's love gotta do with it". Just kidding. John is so hard to get moving these days! And I'm like a taskmaster but he always and only does anything he wants to do. And now I have that right to do that too. And I do. So great on ya for the microwave tea. We have microwave everything and toaster oven everything and oven everything and anything and everything so why worry about that "better half". I don't. Oh yeah I even put sugar in all of the above beverages if I wanna! No one is going to tell me what to eat and drink not even the doctor. HA

Kathy W. again said...

I forgot crock pot everything, too.