January 14, 2013

A world-class hug

Right after Mr. Gadget and I were married,
in 1981,
we moved to south Texas.
Very soon afterward,
I learned I was pregnant with Tech Guy.
I became friendly with my next door neighbor
who was about to become a new mom herself.
After her son was born
we began walking around the neighborhood
for exercise.
When the weather became hot
and humid, and the mosquitoes swarmed,
we walked in the mall.
We became good buddies.
She was like my mentor and answered all
my questions about the mysteries of childbirth.
"Well, yeah," she'd say in her Texas drawl,
"It'll hurt a little, but it's not so bad."
She was a very good friend.
And a very good liar.
After Tech Guy was born, we became known
in the neighborhood as
the two moms pushing strollers.
After a year or so
Mr. Gadget got a job transfer and
we moved to Connecticut.
We stayed in touch by mail and phone,
but eventually we found ourselves
communicating only once a year
at Christmas.
It was in our recent Christmas letter
that I gave her the news about Tech Guy.
A few weeks later a big box
arrived in the mail--
all the way from Texas.
Inside was this beautiful hand-crocheted
In the accompanying note,
in her familiar handwriting,
she wrote of her sadness at our loss
and added,
"Wrap yourself up in this and consider
it a hug from me." 


1 comment:

Kathy W said...

What a beautiful gesture and you look marvelous in it!!