August 01, 2012

The buzz at the beach and beyond

This morning Mr. Gadget and I took a ride down to the beach to walk along the bike path.  We never know what we're going to see at the beach. There's usually always a surprise. Today it was someone riding one of these:
Did I ever show you what we saw on the 405 freeway on our return trip from No. Calif. a few weeks ago?
And just today, as I was doing a few dishes at the kitchen sink, I looked out the window and're going to think I was drinking.....a car pulling a trailer that looked like a hot pink pig.  I know, I know.  It's craziness.  It's California....

So, a quick update on the cat.  There's not much of an update really.  But I did mix up some of the fast mache and glopped it on a few places.
It's great stuff to work with and I might be using it when I get back to the Concondo and need to do some speed-crafting for the old hotel show.

Gotta go now.  It's almost time for the Olympics.  I'm a sucker for those spoiler alerts.  I'm probably the only one... 

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

Love the California crazy pictures! Am going to share the Oscar Meyer wiener mobile on Facebook if I can save it to my computer.....I love the walk down by the beach--especially the one on the esplanade.