August 27, 2012

In honor of Kathy W.

This post is dedicated to Kathy W.,
my most loyal reader and commentor.
Kathy and I went to high school together. 
She dated my boyfriend--after he dumped me.
But I've never been bitter.

I haven't been very good about responding 
to Kathy's questions in the comments.
So I thought....what better way than
devoting a post to the task.
By the way Kathy, your reunion pictures
were the best of the lot.
Far superior to all those tree shots.

So now on to Kathy's questions.
Only 2 condo buildings will be tented.
We have the most determined termites.
The earthquake bird is still standing--
even through the recent swarm.
I believe I've made him sturdy enough
to withstand a 7.0

I haven't seen Danny Deckchair, but I've
read that it was inspired by
Larry Lawnchair.
I would be happy to be lifted up by balloons
in any kind of a chair that would
take me away from the ants.

On the subject of centipedes,
they have a very painful bite.
According to Wikipedia,
"they are very scary to humans
due to their dozens of legs
moving at the same time,
and their tendency to dart swiftly
out of the darkness
towards one's toes."

Let's get together next time I'm in town.
Let's invite the Judith too.
We'll have coffee or burgers.
And thanks for being my one special commentor--
among the vast number of lurkers.
But I'm not bitter about that either..

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

You are welcome. I enjoy your blog, Marcia!