May 27, 2010

Sugar-free dessert

Now that bathing-suit season is almost here, I decided I'd better get serious....again..... about the diet. This required, among other things, a trip to Knitter's heaven earlier this week with other Marcia to purchase some low-cal snacks.
Some yarn for sock knitting should be just the thing to keep my hands busy and out of harm's way. Maneuvering 4 small knitting needles requires various degrees of concentration. There should be little time for grazing in the pasture, I mean raiding the fridge.
You may be wondering why I haven't mentioned the unfinished crocheted afghan, the simmering food quilt, or the trunk full of pesky, half-knitted sweaters. Those qualify as fall and winter knitting, so they can be postponed.
Remember the cat doll I was working on whose tail I had misplaced? I consulted my Ouija Board, found it, and finished him. I also penciled in some stripes. I should say, hints of stripes. I also did a little fix-up on Phyllis the pig. I did away with the vintage silver beads and gave her some pearls. She's a class act. Well, at least she thinks she is and who am I to argue with a pig?

I'm also working on another Uncle Sam--this one for the table in our entryway. Today I cut out and stitched his hat, bow tie and flag. He should be ready for his debut right after Memorial Day. I guess it would be tacky to put a little price tag on him, wouldn't it?


Kathy W said...

Good idea! Knitting and crafting burn calores, too, unlike reading, writing or being online!

Kathy W said...

Took another look to see that you have decided on a new persona! That picture and new look "is a gas". I like the red hat but where is the purple dress?