May 24, 2010

Happy Hour

Over the weekend I discovered there's no better nor more efficient way to announce Happy Hour in the condo neighborhood than with some well-placed bubbles. Mr. Gadget and I....well, maybe it was just me...heh...heh....decided to test this method on Saturday. Almost immediately, our next-door neighbors--The Ones Who Garden (not to be confused with Porch Poker Lady)-- came over with martinis.
On Sunday, after they had apparently decided I needed something more powerful with farther-reaching capabilites, the gardeners gifted me with this:
Boy, did I have some fun out there on the back deck reverting to childish behavior, I mean harking back to my youth. Mr. Gadget even had to call me in when it started getting dark.

Lookee here! It's a bubble with the image of Louisiana. I'm thinking I could sell it on eBay for some big bucks! Oooops! Too late.....

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Glad you are having a lot of fun at the Concondo!