October 30, 2007

Whole lotta stitchin' goin' on

The jacket project is finished. And even if I wanted to do more stitching, there isn't any room...... unless I do some on the back, and I've decided not to go there.

Here's a little closer look at the right front. I sewed beads in most of the flowers centers, but left one or two with just the stitching.

And here's the left front. I sewed small red beads along the vines. One of the great things about doing a project like this is that I can go back to it in a year or two and add more stitching if the spirit moves me. Also, there's no need to keep it in the sewing basket. I've been wearing it during the stitching process, and no one has stopped me yet to ask why I have ballpoint pen drawings on my clothing. I guess lately I've been hanging out with folks who are self-absorbed....

So now I've moved on to a couple of other projects. After my usual wing-obsessing, I came up with this solution for the bee wings:

They are made of lightly tea-dyed muslin that I've quilted. Since these wings are a little wider than ones I've made before, I thought they could use a little support, so I wired them. I've never done this before, so I just had to wing it...heh...heh... I know there's probably a very efficient way dollmakers do this. There may even be a book Wingwiring for Dummies that I'm not aware of. I'll save that research project for January when we're snowed in......or better yet, sitting out on the sunny patio in SoCal.

Here's a little peek at Beelinda's collar. I sewed gold beads along the edge of the upper collar. I know it looks time-consuming, but it's really not.....and it adds a little bee bling.

And then in my spare time I'm working on the rooster embroidery.....you know, the bathroom art for Tech Guy.
This will actually be a joint project by both Mr. G and me.....but you'll just have to wait to see his part. I got quite a bit done last night during Monday night football. I'm not a football fan. In fact, in spite of my advanced age, I still don't know the rules. Once in a while I try to ask a question to make Mr. G think I'm paying attention, like "was that a conversion?" or "was that guy offsides?" But mostly I enjoy watching players do the funny dances in the end zone after a touchdown. I hear they can be fined for that now. Some of them try to sneak one in anyway. I guess they think maybe no one will notice. And what's a little fine in the high finance world of sports? Pocket change.

So our early Thanksgiving celebration was very nice on Saturday. BCG and TG both went home with leftovers and their respective Guatemalan souvenirs. Tech Guy got this.....so timely, don't you think?

And Big City Girl got a brightly-colored cloth bag with lots of zippers and pockets.....which should come in handy for walking around the big city with cell phone, water bottle, subway tokens, i-Pod, book of crossword puzzles, umbrella, gloves, hair accessories, make-up, lip gloss, Cheetos, and a snow shovel. Just kidding about the shovel.

So I guess it's about time to start dinner. I weaseled my way out of cooking last night. It took skills though.

"What are we having for dinner?" asked Mr. Gadget.

"Well, I was planning to make pasta puttanesca, but I forgot to get the olives and capers," I told him. "So I was thinking maybe I'd make some chicken cutlets, but I know we've had chicken the last two nights. I could always make an omlette."

"Would you like to go to the diner?" he asked.

Am I good or what?


Anonymous said...

Wowee, such instant creativity! How do you do it????? I get bogged down by life's little other details myself!

Conni said...

Love the embroidery on the denim!

kathy b said...

OH yes Pat. You are quite good! Beelinda is sweet! love her less is more feet. THe embroidery continues to amaze me. I too don't mind the dust bunnies. Better to have handknits than a clean house anyday!