October 24, 2007

Giraffe Envy

Henry, my neighbor's cat, suffers from a very rare feline disorder called Giraffe Envy. If only his neck were longer he could graze around the treehouse bird feeder. Poor Henry must settle for hunting chipmunks near the rock walls. His regular diet of dry cat food plus the occasional rodent must get boring.

I've started work on the bee doll. Minimal design work was necessary since I' m just going to use the ladybug pattern. In my whimsical world of dolls, a bee and a ladybug are pretty much the same. I'll change the colors and do a wee bit of tweaking. What? There are no polka-dotted bees? Meet Beelinda. She's the first!

This is an "under contruction" shot. It's the stage where I decide I don't like the doll at all and maybe I should throw it in the scrap heap. But I've learned to just ignore those thoughts and press onward. I usually change my mind once it's finished. Same goes for children.....

While I was sewing in the treehouse, and watching Henry's great disappointment, I got to thinking it might be nice to have a new embroidery project, since the jacket is almost finished. And it might be fun to copy and stitch one of the roosters from Tech Guy's curtain.

It might even be suitable as a piece of bathroom art....maybe to coordinate with the curtain in his manly bathroom. You know how guys are always crowing about something...heh...heh... I'm visualizing a small red frame. Maybe barnyard red.

I've had a few inquiries about the SoCal condo and the fires. Thankfully, we were not affected. The condo is about 3 miles east of the ocean and 15 miles southeast of LAX. The fires were (and some are still burning) in different areas of southern California. I have heard from friends that the air smells of smoke and most schools have kept children inside during recess. My cousin, with whom Mr. G and I had lunch just last week, did evacuate her home as a precaution, although it wasn't mandatory. But she did report seeing flames on a hillside about half a mile away. We left Saturday morning and the fires started early Sunday. How quickly life can change.

So I guess I should crawl down from the treehouse and wash Mr. G's gym clothes. Not only does he like a tidy lawn, he likes most everything else tidy too. Which just goes to show that opposites really do attract.....


Anonymous said...

Opposites do attract but at our house two slobs joined up and that is very evident. Hence no photos in my blog. Some ash and smoke here in the LB but no fire.

Anonymous said...

Poor Henry, he's looking a mighty wistful. You better watch out, he may decide to climb up to your roof.

Anonymous said...

i love your description of "giraffe envy" and i really want to write a monologue with this as a starting point for an audition. would you mind if i used what you wrote about henry in it?

if yes TANK YOU!!