August 06, 2007

The Weekend

Let's just call Sunday the weekend, shall we? Sunday was one of those days to die for--plenty of sun, a gentle breeze and low humidity. Very rare indeed for August in these parts. Not at all like Saturday, which I'm quite sure must have set some sort of record for hot and humid and just plain yucky. Mr. G and I attended a BBQ in the afternoon, where the guests roamed around in a continuous circuit, first outside onto the hot deck and then back in the house for some A/C.
Our friends have a lovely yard. They have landscaping talents I can only dream about. They seem to know just what to plant where, and just which yard decoration will accent the whole thing just so. I thought about going out to pull weeds yesterday, and then I decided to knit and think about it some more. I wonder if I can find some yard ornaments that could actually sit on top of the weeds? Maybe a family of frogs, or some little bunnies......
Mr. Gadget found time yesterday to address a nasty home chore he's been putting off. He scraped some of the old paint off of our garage doors in preparation for a new paint job. I didn't help very much, although I did take him some old newspapers and I replenished his ice tea. Oh, and I did buy the new paint. That was enough wasn't it?
Meanwhile, inside and out of harm's way, I decided to cut out some capri pants. Yeah, I know. This is a pretty bright floral print. I'm probably not going to actually wear these. It's some fabric I've had on hand for a long time and I figured I would use it for some "test" pants. The idea behind this is that I would sew these together with a long basting stitch. This would make it easy to rip out and restitch while fiddling to get just the right fit. Then once that was established, I could zip out lots of pairs in no time at all. Well...heh...heh....I forgot about the hip issue. Isn't "hips" a four-letter word?

And then there's the birdbath....
It used to sit on a nice pedestal. Probably some pesky night visitors knocked it over in their quest for a drink of water. I could probably fix it with some special glue made for cement, but I figured why bother when I have perfectly nice planting pots sitting unused. I worried that maybe the birds wouldn't like it, but I shouldn't have. They showed up in huge numbers to enjoy a little frolic in the newly-renovated bathtub. It just proves once and for all what I've known all along. My yard decorating skills are strictly for the birds.......

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