August 30, 2007

Empty Nest.....again

So Tech Guy will be moving out this weekend....again. You may remember he came back home last December to take a bit of a breather from the demands of life out there in the world of stress and high electric bills. He'll be about an hours' drive from us, and he is being thoughtful enough to rent a truck for the move, thereby saving us from countless trips in my small station wagon. I did make a point of reminding him that I have no intention of cleaning any more manly bathrooms when he decides to move out of the new place, and whether or not he gets his security deposit back will be strictly his responsibility.
I did learn that his landlords are a nice Italian couple who seemed pleased to learn that he too comes from Italian stock. The Mrs. gathered a few veggies from her garden and sent him home with tomatoes, peppers and basil. It seems he mentioned that his mom liked to make Pasta Putenesca which is one of his favorites. I may be able to relax a little now that it looks like he'll have an Italian aunt of sorts down there looking after him. I can only wonder if she makes cannolis....

So, after Saturday I'll be an empty nester once again, and I can't say I'm not looking forward to it. Last time Tech Guy moved out, I quickly vacuumed out his room and painted it a warm peach. Then I moved the fabric and yarn in. I'm not sure what I'll do with more space now, but I'd better decide quickly.....before he changes his mind....
Here are some of the dragonflies.....out on the lawn having a pow-wow. And here are a few having a little nibble on the pumpkin pie.

I'll be moving on from dragonflies now. I've "done" dragonflies. Now I'll be taking on a couple more sewing projects. Since the capris seem to fit well, I'll just lengthen the pattern a bit and make some long pants. And if I have time, I'll make another skirt. I found festive prints for both at Joann's the other day while I was browsing the aisles in the company of a big spider.....and not the embroidered kind. I thought about leaving him to enjoy his shopping, but then I realized there might be children walking around with mom. And I thought of Big City Girl, who while in college could not go down in the basement of her apartment in the old house to check the oil tank level because of the spiders who resided there, and the oil tank ran dry. So I notified one of the sales clerks, thereby averting any potential need for a child psychiatrist, or possibly more burst pipes. See, I'm always thinking.....

I will leave you with this photo. Mr. Gadget and I enjoy inviting the local wildlife into our yard, and it's nice to know they feel so comfortable here.

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