December 05, 2006

Holiday catalogs

Well I must say this catalog certainly caught my eye when it arrived in the mailbox yesterday. I'm sure Big City Girl got on a few mailing lists when she signed up for boxing lessons down there in the big city. I emailed her and asked if she was interested in a hot pink boxing t-shirt to go with her hot pink boxing gloves, but I haven't heard back from her yet. I'm sure she's still pondering.....

There are a few snow flurries flying around outside as I sit here in the treehouse. The weather has suddenly gotten colder and it feels like an assault. I guess we got spoiled with that 70 degree day on December 1. These little baby flurries would have caused me to stay home back in the early days of our living here. I was sure bigger flakes would be coming soon and then the roads would be treacherous and I wouldn't make it up our hill. But now I'm wiser and I have a 4-wheel-drive car.

So I ventured out to Joann's this morning, before the nasty flurries, and used my 40% coupon to stock up on muslin. That's a dollmarker's necessity and I was getting frighteningly low. I was pretty good today. I didn't do much impulse shopping, which is easy to do at Joann's.....what with all the holiday garbage, I mean goodies, they offer this time of year. I bought a nice little gift bag for wrapping the knitted gift (still a never know who reads, ya know!) I'm thinking I'll separate the 10 yards of muslin into two 5-yard pieces and dye one with tan Rit . It does have kind of a tea-dyed effect and it works well for some of my projects.

The other day I took a few pictures of Santa ornaments on our tree, and here's one I made out of some driftwood I found along the ocean in northern California. I got the idea from the oyster shell Santa. Mr. Gadget used his mighty drill press to make a hole in the top for stringing the hanger, and then I did the painting. The wired leaves worked well for the hat decoration and also covered up the line between the two colors. I always love when I have license to be a little sloppy...heh...heh....

So yesterday, in place of blogging, I put my Red Hat snowlady up on eBay. She didn't sell at the last craft fair, even though I happen to know there are lots of Red Hat ladies in that neck of the woods. Maybe they were all out at a big holiday bash. I didn't think of that. You can check her out by going to eBay and looking for "handmade red hat snowlady."

A couple of weeks ago I put the elderberry sweater knitting project on hold while working on the gift knitting, and now I'm ready to go back to it....but I can't find the pattern. I know it's here somewhere. I keep thinking one of these days I'll get organized, but the creative bug bites me and the lure of a new project is always greater than the guilt over the mess. Maybe I'll just close the door on the treehouse and walk away for a few days....and address a few Christmas cards. Now......where did I put that Christmas card list?

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