November 02, 2018

This is enough Fall decorating, isn't it?

I used to love the annual trek to the pumpkin patch each year with kids in tow to pick out just the right ones for carving.  We'd usually pick a few apples too.  But now I've moved on, preferring to spend some quiet time in my recliner, and I'm happy with my hand-crafted paper mache version.  No more hauling a rotten mess out to the woods or the garbage can.  It keeps nicely on the top shelf of my craft closet.

So, I've moved on from the October craft fair at the old hotel....where I did very well and sold most of my needle-felted items.

Now I'm elbow-deep in preparations for the Christmas fair....with more felted items.  I have a couple of weeks before I have to deliver them.  Here's a snowman-in-progress:

I've also made a few more hobo bags. I love the hunt for fun, whimsical fabrics which seem to appeal to certain people in a strange sort of way...
You all know about Mr. Gadget and his obsession, I mean his admiration, for all kinds of tech toys.  This includes one of those devices with a female name that you can call out to and request her to play music or set the egg timer.  And I'm remembering the days when we had little kids in the house and we had to spell things we didn't want them to hear.  Now we have to spell A-L-E-X-A.....lest she butt in and set off on a rant of some kind. 

It's quiet in the treehouse.  I think I'll just stay here.....

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